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Proxy access request

Proxy Access Form

Patient Details

Please use date format DD/MM/YYYY
All correspondence will go to this email address.

Section 1 – Responsibility

Please tick that you agree:

Section 2 – Granting Proxy Access

  • I reserve the right to reverse any decision I make granting proxy access at any time.
  • I understand the risks of alloiwng someone else to have access to my health records.
  • I have read and understand the information leaflet provided by the practice.
This is the name of the person you wish to give access.
This is the name of the person you wish to give access.

Section 3 – Proxy Access Level

Please grant the following access to my proxy/ies:

Section 4 – Only for patients without capacity

  • I  reserve the right to reverse any decision I make granting proxy access at any time.
  • I understand the risks of alloiwng someone else to have access to my health records.
  • I have read and understand the information leaflet provided by the practice.
This is the name of the person you wish to give access.
This is the name of the person you wish to give access.
Under 16’s – If there is no ID available a parent/carer can bring their ID in to vouch on your behalf.

Next Steps

The person you are granting proxy user status to must download, print and fill out Section 5 and 5.1 after you have filled out the appropriate sections above, and bring it with you to the practice.